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Bus Information

Montessori School Bus Information

School Bus transportation is provided to and from school for Montessori Borealis Students


In the morning, if your child rides the bus, s/he will:


1. take a bus from:

- Gastineau (7:55 AM - Bus #37) 

- Harborview (8:05 AM - Bus #37)

- MRCS (7:55 AM - Bus #41)

- Glacier Valley (8:05 AM - Bus #41)

- Auke Bay (7:55 AM - Bus #42)

- River Bend (8:05 AM - Bus #42) 

2. which will shuttle them to Dzantik'i Heeni in the mornings.

It is important that - for the schools bolded and italicized above, students do NOT get off at that first stop - but wait until they get to DH to disembark in the mornings.

-Bus #37 will start at Gastineau, stop at Harborview for another group of kiddos, then continue on to DH.  Buses #41 and #42 will do the same (stop at another school before going on to DH).  

The first week - there will be adults at the previous schools to remind students to stay on the bus.   

**RALLY will only be held AFTER SCHOOL at Harborview.  All RALLY students should catch bus #37 after school.


In the afternoon, all Montessori Borealis students will ride one of those three buses (same #s) back to the neighborhood school nearest to their home.  

The afternoon buses will leave approximately at 3:40 PM from DH.   

Only school bus riders only will be allowed in the building and supervised in the gym after school.

Please make sure that your child is clear about his/her after school plan for every day of the week.

Please contact the Montessori Borealis Office (523-1848) or your child's teacher to notify them of changes in plans.


For Questions concerning the bus schedule, bus stops, and times please call First Student.: 789-7352 

Non-Bus Riders 

If your child does not ride a school bus after school, please make sure you have made arrangements for pick up at 3 PM but no later than 3:10 PM.

You may pick your child up in front of their classroom at 3:00 pm, in the entryway, or outside in front of the school.  Your child may also wait on the stairs above the parent driveway/staff parking.  

Please be timely!

There is no after-school care provided at Dzantik'i Heeni (with the exception of Children's House).

ADA Compliance Errors0
The City and Borough of Juneau School District complies with all federal and State of Alaska laws, statutes, and regulations, and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, veteran or military status, or the use of a service animal by a person with a disability, and provided equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. This holds true for all students who are interested in participating in education programs and/or extracurricular school activities. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the District’s Title IX Coordinator Kristy Germain, 523-1740, Title IX Investigator/Decision Maker Lyle Melkerson, 523-1710, and Section 504/ADA Coordinator and Title IX Appellate Decision Maker Frank Hauser, Superintendent, 523-1702, 10014 Crazy Horse Dr. Juneau, AK 99801
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