Bus Information
School Bus transportation is provided to and from school for Montessori Borealis Students
In the morning, if your child rides the bus, s/he will:
1. take a bus from: - Gastineau (7:55 AM - Bus #37) - Harborview (8:05 AM - Bus #37) - MRCS (7:55 AM - Bus #41) - Glacier Valley (8:05 AM - Bus #41) - Auke Bay (7:55 AM - Bus #42) - River Bend (8:05 AM - Bus #42) 2. which will shuttle them to Dzantik'i Heeni in the mornings. It is important that - for the schools bolded and italicized above, students do NOT get off at that first stop - but wait until they get to DH to disembark in the mornings. -Bus #37 will start at Gastineau, stop at Harborview for another group of kiddos, then continue on to DH. Buses #41 and #42 will do the same (stop at another school before going on to DH). The first week - there will be adults at the previous schools to remind students to stay on the bus. **RALLY will only be held AFTER SCHOOL at Harborview. All RALLY students should catch bus #37 after school.
In the afternoon, all Montessori Borealis students will ride one of those three buses (same #s) back to the neighborhood school nearest to their home. The afternoon buses will leave approximately at 3:40 PM from DH. Only school bus riders only will be allowed in the building and supervised in the gym after school. Please make sure that your child is clear about his/her after school plan for every day of the week. Please contact the Montessori Borealis Office (523-1848) or your child's teacher to notify them of changes in plans. For Questions concerning the bus schedule, bus stops, and times please call First Student.: 789-7352 Non-Bus Riders If your child does not ride a school bus after school, please make sure you have made arrangements for pick up at 3 PM but no later than 3:10 PM. You may pick your child up in front of their classroom at 3:00 pm, in the entryway, or outside in front of the school. Your child may also wait on the stairs above the parent driveway/staff parking. Please be timely! There is no after-school care provided at Dzantik'i Heeni (with the exception of Children's House). |