2025-2026 Lottery applications will be available March 3, 2025
Applications have been closed for this school year.
Applications for the 2025-2026 school year will open on March 3rd.
Use this link to apply using Lotterease. Select Juneau School District and select the lottery you are interested in applying for.
To set up a classroom observation please call the office at 907.796-5832.
Before you apply and potentially accept a spot, you should know some background about our school. We are a public school option in the Juneau School District serving students ages 3 through 8th grade (tuition for students in PK3/4). Here is a link for a brochure which outlines the Montessori program.
Registration questions should be sent to beccah.larsen@juneauschools.org.
Thank you!
Montessori Borealis

Children's House Registration Information
School Information
John Paul, Principal john.paul@juneauschools.org
School Hours 8:30am to 3:00pm
Phone: (907) 796-5800 Fax: (907) 463-1877
Physical Address: Dzantik'i Heeni 1600 Renninger Street
Back to School 2024-2025 MORE INFORMATION COMING SOON!
Report Card to the Public
Click here to see some school level data collected by the Department of Early Education and Development (DEED).
Click here to see information about AKSTAR scores.
School Dress Code - Elementary
The JSD School board believes that students have the right to make individual choices from a wide range of clothing and grooming styles that do not present a health or safety hazard or a distraction which would interfere with the educational process. Corrective actions may include a discussion with the school counselor or principal, changing clothing or being offered another piece of clothing for the day. If students or families need additional clarification, a meeting with the school counselor or principal may be requested. (School Board Policy 5132)
● Clothing may not pose potential harm to self, others, or school property.
● Clothing cannot depict or advertise weapons, alcohol, tobacco, or drug use.
● Profanity, hate speech, and bigoted language are not allowed; this includes symbols on clothing or body. Clothing may not intentionally target, disparage, humiliate, or attempt to encourage harm toward an individual or group of people.
● Nudity, pornographic images, or sexual acts on clothing or body are prohibited.
➔ Parents of 6th grade students: Our dress code differs from that of the middle schools in the Juneau School District. Please review these differences with your child and help them prepare for their 7th grade year during the summer.